Tuesday, November 30, 2010

St Andrews Day

This is a day of superstition and fortune telling in Poland, but perhaps only for young unmarried girls seeking their future husband.  There are all sorts of traditions, for example melting wax and creating a shape out of it using a large key with a hole, then seeing what the shape might represent, maybe the shape of a country or the face of a man... also peeling an apple in one, then throwing the peel and seeing which shape it lands in to reveal the initial of the girls future husband... lining shoes up in a room and seeing whose shoes make it to the door first, that girl will be the first to marry in her group... the list goes on.  It sounds fun but I wouldn't bet my millions on any of it coming true.

It's also name day for all the Andrzejki out there, (name days are celebrated on the same scale as birthdays in the UK) so Happy name day Andrzej!

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