Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Break

This is definitely something the Poles are doing right and we are doing wrong.  Only four weeks in to the new term and I'm already on holiday; a two week break.  Fantastic.  Winter break officially starts today!

Most Poles go skiing in the mountains for winter break, some visit relatives and a few make it abroad for a more exotic holiday.  I'm going to spend a few days recovering from the last hectic few weeks, nip to England for the weekend and then head to Lviv and the east of Poland.

1 comment:

  1. Some of my family went to Germany and others went skiing in Poland during their break. I can't get over how much time off Europeans get compared to Americans. We are lucky to get 2 weeks off vacation (typically one week), plus about 5 days sick days and maybe 5 days off during the year for holidays. My cousins got two months off work paid for their honeymoon... Sigh...
