Saturday, February 26, 2011

One about me

My blog is generally about Poland and my opinions, reflections and experiences while I'm here, but this blog will be just about me.  Ok, I've been tagged (whatever that is) by Amy the Wicked.  And this is how it goes...

It all started with Scottish Mum’s post:
“I have seen lots of posts about what we struggle with, or things that we like to do, and I’d like to find out a bit more information about all of you. This is my way of doing it. I am looking forward to visiting some of you on the blog hop.”
What you cannot choose. The Rules are Simple
“We all know that blogging/facebook/twitter is in our arena of what we like to do, so I am going to rule them out as one of the 5 that you can post about. They really are not very girly. Likewise, phones, computers, ipads are all out of the running. I am challenging myself to this, as I am really not a girly girly type of person, and I want to find that within myself. It’s not all about power suits, filofaxes, ipads and designer phones.
If you want to pass this along, pick bloggers that you want to find out more about, and challenge them to write up their 5 secret passions that make them feel good. The idea is to lift our spirits this week. The fact that there is a linky added, just makes it all the more worthwhile in doing.”
So, here are my five.
1.  Walking.  It sounds very simple but I love feeling the fresh air on my face and feeling like I'm heading somewhere.  I never walk without purpose, even if I just fancy a walk there must always be a destination, and I walk fast to get there; I like overtaking people.  This kind of walking can only really be done on your own, or at least in your own world.
2.  Books - fiction novels to be more precise.  This is the best kind of escapism; if I read that's all I do, it's hard to function normally outside of a novel.  I feel like I am among the characters, they become as real to me as anyone I know and I become engrossed in their stories and their lives.  This is probably why I cry so easily when I read a book, I get very emotional.  If I can't feel like this about a book, I don't read it.
3.  Hats.  I don't know why but I really like hats, I feel like they suit me and consider myself 'a hat person'.  I've never been into shoes or handbags and rarely wear jewellery, so hats it is.  I have so many, my drawer is bursting with hats and scarves (which I also like), but I love buying them, wearing them and collecting them.  My last hat was stolen which I still haven't got over, hopefully I'll be able to find the same hat on the market after payday.  
4.  Polish.  When I was at high school my favourite subjects were languages.  I wrote in my 'personal statement' that I wanted to work with languages and be something like a translator or interpreter, but I fell out with languages at college because I didn't enjoy German and I got involved in other things.  In 2007 when I came to Poland for the first time I started to pick up bits of the language and I completely rediscovered this passion.  I love learning the rules and finding out new expressions, I enjoy speaking but I find listening/understanding difficult and this really hinders conversation!  I'm aware that I have such a long way to go before I'll be able to say that I can 'speak Polish' but hopefully one day I'll become what I always wanted to be.
5.  Lying in.  Thinking of the 5th thing was really difficult, but I'm certain this is the right thing.  I don't like going to bed, I like to refuse that the day is over and just keep going, it's already 1.12am now and I'm working early tomorrow, but I have no intention of surrendering to the night any time soon.  And not only that, but when I do go to bed I often struggle to drop off; my brain is active and my body isn't tired, I'm not getting nearly enough physical exercise and I've always had a restless mind.  But similarly as I don't like getting in my bed, I absolutely hate getting out of it.  When I've slept well and I'm warm and cosy in my bed I never want it to end, I often choose to have that extra half hour, then have it again and again.  I wonder if I didn't have a job just how long I could stay in bed for.
Ok, so there you go.  Anyone else?


  1. Hi Ruth, Nice to meet you from the blog-hop. Great list. I too used to have a passion for languages but couldnt dedicate my time to it what with one thing and another. Now having a young son (aka Youngling) I don't really have any hobbies as such - well Daddy Doo thinks my blog and writing are hobbies. I disagree but hey ho thats another story. Hope youre well? Take care xx

  2. Funny because I can listen/comprehend Polish quite well but have problems speaking - fancy swapping?!

  3. Helo from Australia,

    We are also following and have our own bloghop here in Cairns.

    We are from Scotland /England and my husband is 1/4 Polish!!

    Please drop over to our family friendly blog when you have a minute!
