Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Warszawa Centralna

I think it would be cheating if I titled this post 'Warsaw', having spent only a few hours wandering around the area close to the central train station and not even making it as far as the old town square.  Despite that I have spent some time in Warsaw previously and seen a bit of what it's got to offer.  For me, in terms of my love affair with Poland, that is very little.

East meets West
Warsaw is, as capital cities tend to be, a very poor reflection on the rest of the country.  It's as big, rich and western as any capital in Western Europe, conflicting with the quaint, eastern feel to much of the rest of Poland.  Huge modern glass sky scrapers instead of high rise flats and massive junctions to replace the infamous Polish road system.  On Sunday I looked out of the window of my hotel and felt like I'd already left Poland.  How very depressing.

Don't get me wrong though, Warsaw is not a bad place.  There are certainly things to do and see there and I have it on good authority that it's an excellent place to live but I believe it's something very different to the rest of Poland.  Warsaw's Palace of Culture is a huge distinctive landmark smacking of Poland's communist past under Stalin's rule, but it is surrounded by so many western buildings, companies and influences that it's quite clear to see that the eastern feel is very much part of Warsaw's history.


  1. Warsaw is great , but you need a local guide.

  2. I like Warsaw as a city, just not as a Polish city. But I feel the same way about London and many other capitals; great place but nothing like what you get in the rest of the country.

  3. Completely agree with your perspective that capitals dont reflect the rest of a country. It's the same in every country and capital I've ever visited!

  4. The last sentence is very true. Poland is not some backwards hole in the wall country next to Russia. It's in the center of Europe. Warsaw is made of layers of history as well.

    I don't enjoy the hustle and bustle and extremely modern buildings but it's a great juxtaposition to the Old area.

    I hope you go next time to the older historic sites there some time. :) You would love it!

    Na razie...
