Monday, May 23, 2011

Tick Tock

The clock is ticking on my year in Poland, well 9 and a half months to be precise.  On Friday I booked my flight home for the 25th June, so I have just less than 5 weeks left here.  Time really does fly when you're having fun.

I'm happy thinking about going home, I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and spending more time with my boyfriend and my family, but thinking about leaving pains me!  I will so miss Poland, I love Torun, I like my life here (bar work of course :-)) and I've met some great people who it will be very hard to say goodbye to.

I have no idea what the next year will bring but I expect I'll be back here a few times getting my fix and maintaining my language learning, I've gone too far to go home and forget it all!  I don't know if I'll ever fully leave Poland.  Whatever happens I'm determined to make the next 5 weeks 5 of the best, and to all my friends in the UK - I will see you soon!


  1. Poland will miss you as much as you miss her! Sorry to hear you are leaving. But Poland will always be there, right? Glad you had such a wonderful time!

  2. If you want to give Lublin a second chance, come here during Noce Kultury - it lasts 2 nights - 3-4 and 4-5 June.

    Whole city celebrates, there are many concerts, performances, etc, everything is open for whole night, public transport and every museum/turistic attraction are free :)

    Website is there (in English):

  3. That sounds fantastic! I am already busy this weekend visiting a friend in Warsaw but I would definitely re-visit Lublin. I don't think having wet feet really helped my experience there and it was very quiet at the time. Maybe next year?! Thanks for the tip.
