Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring has sprung

The last few days have been absolutely beautiful.  The sun is shining, the grass is slowly returning to a nice green colour and I have officially retired my winter coat - it was 15 degrees yesterday, the old town was really busy and so it seemed were the ice cream parlours.  I really enjoyed winter but I'm also very excited to see that spring is in the air.  I'm looking forward to the nights getting longer so I can enjoy a bit more of Torun after working hours.

Ive heard that you know it's spring in Poland when you keep stepping in dog poo; people don't pick it up and as the snow melts it gets all over the pavements.  Hopefully because we had the long thaw in January and very little snow since it won't be too bad this year, I don't want to make a mess of my new boots!  It's also known for being particularly beautiful and rapid, it isn't a gradual transition from winter to spring, the flowers and trees literally burst with colour overnight.  Spring is literally a breath of fresh air, I love it.

1 comment:

  1. they say its good luck to step in dog poo in new shoes!
